I imagined reinventing the places in which I spend my time so that I would like them as much as being outdoors. For exhibits such as “A Chance to Linger,” Marko and I had created photo-based art of scenes we wanted to inhabit and wished to re-experience, much like compositions of music that you will listen to many times. The Temperament of Space themes were first visualized and orchestrated in collaboration with the musician Tomas Uribe. Based in the School of Media Studies at The New School, we were able to workshop ideas with graduate students from our program and Parsons. All wanted the environments to be responsive to their presence. Thus began an exploration into user-friendly programming, low cost elements, easy-to-assemble modules.
Collaboration is at the heart of these multi-media interactions. We would love to team up with you for a semester, a year, an event. We are available for community engagement and workshops in your venue. Faculty and student participation has been vital to our vision. If you would like join the Media Studies team as a volunteer, assistant or independent study, let’s talk.
– Diane

Our team and artists at The Temperament of Space @ Yonkers community engagement event. Clockwise from upper left: Marko Gosar, Diego Romero, Mary Hardiman, DIane Mitchell, Dale MacDonald, Daniel Creahan, Tim Lamorte, David Avendano, Angel Leal, Danica Dsouza, Emilio.
Diane Mitchell
the director of the Temperament of Space project, is an interdisciplinary media artist and Associate Professor at The New School - School of Media Studies. Visit Mitchell Gosar Fine Art at to view more projects.
Marko Gosar
is an artist with a long-standing interest in photography. He was educated in Slovenia as a fine art painter and printmaker. He collaborates on the original photography and visual design of the exhibits.
Tomás Uribe
is a music and media entrepreneur from Colombia; co-founder and CEO of Stereotheque. He composed the original soundscapes, as well as collaborating on the responsive interactivity design. Visit tomasuribecreative.com.
Diego Romero
is associate producer for The Temperament of Space exhibits. He is a multimedia designer who focuses on branding, strategy and creative content. See more of his work at alter-diego.com.
Daniel Creahan
is an artist, writer and musician living and working in New York City. He researched the initial interactive sound design for several themes.
Gry Kivle
is a producer from Norway and a theory guru. She developed the participatory design research workshops for the project.
Ishan Kumar
is a musician attending School of Media Studies to further his career in sound studies. He is scoring the soundscapes for the project’s exhibits.
Andrea Crowley-Hughes
is a writer and recent graduate of The New School with an interest in digital design. She contributed to the design and copywriting of The Temperament of Space website.
Merrilee Pan
is a graduate from Parsons MFA in Design and Technology program, conducting experiments with responsive sensors for the exhibits. See her work at merrileepan.com.
Special thanks to
The New School Research Funds
National Endowment for the Arts
School of Media Studies
Dale MacDonald, former Director of Creative Technologies, School of Media Studies
James Hacket, Yonkers Public Library, Riverfront Branch
Students and artists who participated in the research and creation of these projects.