The Individuaity artwork addresses visitors’ tendency to feel separate from the whole while in environments associated with anxiety, such as hospitals and rehab facilities. Loops of relaxing music accompany tranquil videos of islands projected onto hanging panels. The adventurous can activate humorous sound mixes and animated quirks through controls at each island, leading to feelings of calm and agency.
As one approaches each island, proximity sensors trigger audible and visible changes in the media elements. One will additionally be offered the opportunity to modulate the melody with effects controls. When multiple visitors interact with these distributed controls, they create stimulating mixes of the sound loops. As expected, the visuals also respond to these interventions with humorous and engaging animated quirks.
This installation offers respite, either through passive enjoyment or active distractions, to those waiting in a shared space. Our series of accompanying photo panels can extend this relaxing landscape to nearby hallways and atria.